Established in 2005.

Welcome to the Seven Seals

Have you ever wondered why others succeed when you fail?

Would you like 24/7 guidance wherever you are?

Are you ready to integrate change into your life?

You’ve probably heard of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”, but did you know what happens when you get to seven degrees? Welcome to Double Foot Productions. Home of Kevin, that rhymes with seven (and Eleven). If you are curious, then you might be ready to work with me. My name is Kevin Halliday, and Double Foot is my central business under which I organise all of my local and global ideas, projects and other awesome stuff. So, stick some headphones on and let’s discuss what you want from your life, your business, and from Double Foot. 

Everybody cut Foot Loose! Try FOR FREE

(IMPORTANT: Please pay attention to the COLOURS)

About Double Foot


Your first step into a larger world

I have worked on a number of creative and professional projects, and Double Foot has always been my ‘pet project’. What we are offering you, as an indivdual has no monetary cost to you.

There are no catches.

There are no contracts.


How do I survive if I don’t charge you any money? I have my own projects and my own work on this unique system means I always have whatever I need whenever I need it. I know, you don’t believe me, how could your life change, especially if it has been such an uphill battle so far? All I require from you is a little touch of:



(without the burden & financial cost of religion)

Let’s begin by investing in YOU

New Player Starter Bonus!

If you decide to try Double Foot today – or its associated projects – (at no cost to you now, or in the future) we will give a bonus starter ‘key’ and a great motivator for you to continue working on yourself and your passions (we’re all very open on The Program)

You can also visit my personal creative writing website for your own inspiration and just to have some fun. Remember, headphones are recommended and some of the content is for 18+ years. 

Just look for “KJ” on your food labels!

To be taken with a grain of salt.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is this a scam?

No. And if it was I would be asking for some money, or something else from you. I don’t need your money. This is an opportunity for you to be part of a larger world, without the restrictions and limitations you are used to. No courses. No upselling. No charges. If you are happy with your progress, and when you understand what is on offer, money will also be of little value to you too.


Is this a cult?

No. While I may maintain that I have faith (as I require from you) religion is something of a scam in itself. A perfect product that you can sell, without any proof of concept or proper testing. I have seen the pain and torment organised religion causes across the Earth and the chains and shackles it places on its followers (cults included). You have no need for these things. 


Are you “illuminati”?

No. No. No. Heavens no! There is no such thing. Apart from a few posers pretending to be illuminati, the recent obsession with secret societies is nothing new in human history. How can you trust people that think they hold special secrets (when really they just have more money than some other people). Any and all secret societies thrive on the illusion of power. They hold no real secrets. If you want to know real secrets, perhaps study science. 


What’s the catch?

No catch. You can click away from this site and nothing untoward will happen to you. No superstitions. No curses. However, if you genuinely wish your life to change for the better, then remember, those first steps can be the hardest. 

Client Feedback

Revelation 1:7

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

(KJV Bible)

Latest projects and investor updates below:

Sound the Final Trumpet

Sound the Final Trumpet

Thank you for your saintly patience. Everything you need will be with you already or provided to you at the appropriate time. Thank you to you Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve, and continue to serve, it has been a most fruitful conversation. I am glad you...

New Recruit Intake Complete

New Recruit Intake Complete

Thank you all for your applications and input into the global Program. Final decisions for the next round of intakes have been completed. Please note: Successful candidates will be contacted in the usual way. Unsuccessful candidates will not be notified. Everything...